12foxy12's Boundaries

。°⋆☽When communicating with me. ☾ ⋆°。

🌿 I suffer with extreme overthinking.
So please, if you have something to say don't leave me off with "I gotta tell you something" Or "Can we talk" Because shit like this gets me mad overthinking to the point I panic and stress out about it, So Please GET TO THE POINT.
Not to mention please avoid anything with shorts words like "Mh" "Ok" "K" "Cool" and with just "...", otherwise it'll make me think I have done something wrong, Plus I do need A LOT of Reassurance.
🌿 Please don't leave me on Read / Ghost me, If I am confused with what you say and I ask and you decide to ghost me, It doubles the time of my overthinking, Especially leaving it over night, Doesn't help me to sleep- So please, If I question or get confused by something that I do not understand, Must answer soon as possible.🌿 I suffer with extremely bad trust issues, And Abandonment issues, Which is why I'm scared of latching onto someone so quickly because in the end if something happens I always end up getting hurt and it puts me in a position on not knowing what to do anymore, So please be easy with me.🌿 I'm also a sensitive person and slightly fragile, I do not like someone yelling / Raising their voices at me, Its very scary, So please just be gentle with care.🌿 If I am going through a moment, I will most likely not vent or rant, Unless I need to somewhat get it out, I will ask, but besides that, Please do not ask me what's up or anything because I will not share my issues out, I keep things to myself, so if anything I'd would say leave me be so I can deal with my issues alone and alone only, I have dealt with my own issues without any help so I kinda don't see a point of being open.🌿 Please be aware I have a terrible social battery, and that I am extremely socially awkward, I deal with Social anxiety and its b a d, So I apologise if I do not chat a lot, I just feel like I bother people so I stay quiet, Not to mention I am NOT a conversation starter, so don't constantly text me everyday or try and get me to speak as I could be mentally and physically drained as I usually am.
Not to mention, I am Shy As well.
🌿 I also deal with terrible memory and that I am very forgetful, So I apologise for this!🌿 Sometimes I use caps when happy/Excited or in a really funny mood, So if it bothers you please let me know, I also do use some emoticons like ":3" and the usual of :) and :D🌿 After so many years and so long, I am no longer open for anyone to vent or lean onto me, UNLESS I tell you can, Because I have noticed every time someone leans onto me, I support them as much as I can, but when its my turn, I got no one, Which is why I am very closed off, Plus as much as I love supporting people and helping others out, It drains me despise how much of a kind person I am, sometimes helping others can mentally affect me, so please, I am very much closed off of listening to problems, If you need help, Seek help, Therapist and such, They are there for a reason, To listen.

。°⋆☽Fan art / Credits Rules and Questions ☾ ⋆°。

🌿 I absolutely love seeing fan arts!, It warms my heart, even if there's anything to with my lore, or something wholesome, I still thank you to those who have done these, You are an amazing soul. <3🌿 If you do fan art, Please do NOT do anything with NSFW as I do not like that at all, It spikes my anxiety seeing it, And Please DO NOT Sexualize my characters, Cus that's just gross asf and very disgusting.🌿 Please do not ask for my Private models, even if you do, The answer is no and I am getting super tired of hearing people asking constantly, its very annoying.🌿 I have also been asked many times of "Can we be friends" I'm afraid my answer is no, I am not open to accept any friend request at all, I would only friend If I know you or something.🌿 Please if anything don't involve me into anything such as, Drama and the SFM Community etc, I am not part of it, and I am not part of your unwanted issues, if anything it would lead up to you being blocked if I am involved.🌿 If you are inspired by me on anything, Please Credit Me, But also please at least try to be creative, Not everything has to be heavily inspired, but I am glad that I have inspired you to create something but be aware, when animating its all about creativity, Not copying.🌿 I do not accept AI or Any type of AI "art", AI is not art, And please don't make anything out of AI, that even means bots, I am a real person, and it makes me panic seeing one, It's very weird and just odd, So please don't do AI or bots of me.

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